Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Dip Inside Sage's Mind: March 1st 2012

Sage's mind is filled with Rainbows, Unicorns, Clowns, Bacon, and all sorts of things.
Here's todays "A Dip Inside Sage's Mind".

Hey everyone, Sage here :) and today was THE WORST DAY EVER.
I mean it started off nice but became so depressing. Here's the story.

Jeremy,(click the who's who button) is Best Friends with Katie, my enemy. We used to be friends like two years ago, but she backstabbed me and stuff, but enough drama, anyways he was playing around with her in the hallway, and it made me so mad! I had been putting up with him being her fried for a while now but I just can't take it!!!!!!!!!!!!! So they're like best friends, and I can't take it no more or i'll blow up. I'm just going to stop talking to him. Insead of going up to him and telling him i'm not gona be his friend, it's better to just ignore him untill he forgets about me! (RACHEL COMMENT I NEED YOUR ADVICE)


Here's my next topic: Cliques.
Everyone has a clique except me, cuz I only have like three friends oh wait two cuz Jeremy's not my friend (he dosnt know tht though) Rachel's in the sporty, weird clique. I'm a weirdo too but Kenzi dosn;t like me being in their clique. I hate labels, if you have a clique why huddle up with them all the time? Why can't EVERYONE be in your clique? Why can't you hang out with eeryone instead of only 5 people then excluding the rest? EVERYONE IS MY CLIQUE. Well, maybe. So yeah, comment below on your feeling about Cliques!

Well, that's all for todays "A Dip inside Sage's Mind" Happy March!
*Giggles* ~Sage

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